Friday, November 17, 2023

Nov 17, Oops! I forgot to POST today!

I've been working on more homes and somehow today has been slipping by! So here is one again from a past series, and it is still a beautiful available painting that you can snag!

I don't remember who sent the photo, but this is what I wrote about it when I first posted it, and it is still available!  Any profits from every painting I sell through this project up to Thanksgiving will be partially donated to the Simpson's Housing Services because we all need somewhere to call home~

Yes, a cottage on an island~ there's something about those skies...

Have I mentioned that I've been listening to Afrocelt Soundsystem lately? I have a couple of their cds, and remember dancing to their music in the basement of at least one South Minneapolis house...  there's something really soothing, moving, invigorating about their music.  We ended up using it as background music at the Boutique on Saturday, and it made the day just rock, for me!  And I'm pretty sure other people enjoyed it as well.  I've been playing it in my classroom too, and the kids like it because they don't know what it is and can't quite categorize it as "Art Teacher" music...

Check out the wikipedia page, and then order some of their music!  I'm listening to it on Amazon music, but I also have the cds~ here is a link to SEED-

6x9 acrylic on wood

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