Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Nov 14, Tarpon Bay, Florida

 Yes, well, not quite home, but I did live in Key Largo, FL for a while, so it isn't far!  This is from a family vacation we went on in 2019... wow. That seems like a long time ago!  Max was quite a bit smaller... and it was spring break, and Max always wanted a truck so we rented a truck instead of a car and he was thrilled with it. Iguanas and manatees, swimming and fishing, hanging out on islands with friends. Great trip!

I suppose today I'm thankful for memories like that, that make me smile as I run them through my mind. We've been pretty darn lucky, getting to go places and do the things we've gotten to do!

I'm gonna put this one on auction too, but for a bit higher than the others because it's more recent- and there's an option to buy it outright if you like it!

10x8 acrylic on wood
$50 starting bid!

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