Thursday, November 16, 2023

Nov 16, The Winter Tree

 This is a painting of our house from 2019, I think just as word of Covid was reaching us, and my Sunday school class was worried about end times... It is a little apocalyptical with that yellow sky and no sign of any other buildings around it. Which is not the case with our actual house, which is moving along now! Not far, but at least action is happening and there is a dumpster out front again. We have had a lovely intelligent crew in there, redoing the windows that were installed wonky and refitting the doors that were also not correct. Duane has been screwing in all the underlayer floorboards to the joists so we won't have any squeaky floors in the house EVER, and he's had a wonderful crew of friends stopping by with screw guns and drills to help him out. It feels good to see lights on in the house and people moving in and out. The heat is hooked up, though the electric and water are still not running. Rumor has it that the oak floors are coming soon and will be stacked in the basement to acclimate for a bit before being installed. I think it will feel more real as the toilets and fixtures and cupboards and shelves get placed. 

Today I am grateful for friends who come around to help out and check in and just sit and chat. Sometimes I have a hard time NOT working. I feel like I have to be DOING something all the time to be valuable. But sometime it is valuable just to sit and be.

I'm going to work on that.

6x9 acrylic on wood

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