Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, Miss Kitty!

 Painting a whole body of a cat is strangely more time consuming than painting just a face! This has taken me a lot longer this morning than I anticipated, although it may be possible that I'm putting off working on my taxes...

Here is what Linda wrote about this lovely Miss Kitty! And happy Birthday Mark!

Miss kitty was a control freak. Reading the newspaper was an extended event every morning. She seemed to know where our eyes were reading and would move to that article. She was a lap lover and if mark said it was time to go she would wait for him to get out of the chair and then move to the warm spot. We loved her and miss her every day. We lost her in June, Comforted in the vets office with Kat’s artwork.

acrylic on wood, 10x8

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