Sunday, March 17, 2024

March 17, Fernadina Lou!

 Okay, not the most Irish of names at all, but I consider her owner to be one of the most charming and leprechaun-ish people I know! Lara talks about her cat, and her eyes light up- she told me a story about cleaning out behind the stove and finding all the little nerf bits that Fernadina loves to chase, plus one hairy mass of fur that Lara at first thought was a dead mouse, and turned out to be a beloved long lost toy that Fernadina commenced to tossing and stalking and chasing all over the house.

It is really difficult to remain crabby and sulky when there is a creature enjoying the heck out of life right in front of you!

I think this photo was of Fernadina Lou under the Christmas Tree, so that may account for the multitude of glimmers in her eyes... she looks like she's gonna do something spritish!

6x6 acrylic on wood
spoken for!

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