Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31, Stella!

 And this is Stella!  Her photo was not a great one to paint from- it is a screen shot of the wallpaper on the opening screen of a cell phone, so rather tightly cropped and tall, and I had to make up some of her fluff... It was still really fun to paint, and also full disclosure, I do tend to start the paintings the night before, sketching them out and laying down some areas of paint, with the finishing up happening in the morning. Some mornings are easier than others!

I didn't get too much of a story from Stella's owner yet, so I'll let you know if that happens!

I do love to paint black dogs, you know!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30, Miss Francie!

 This is Miss Francie~ who lives with Mary Sue, whose cat Jester I've also painted, twice actually!  And Mary Sue herself is quite a story, as she is an avid swimmer of wild waters and I love following her adventures online!

This is a photo of Miss Francie in the car on the way to the dog park, as you can probably tell by the wild look in her eye and her huge smile!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29, Zen for Sam!

 This is Zen!  It's Zen's birthday today!  Happy Birthday Zen!

And here's what Sam's mom wrote about Zen~

"Zen aka OB (over bite), Zennifer, Zennatalia…

Zen is a beautiful 6 years old husky. She is the most chill dog ever. 

Going for boat rides, chasing rabbits, and long walks with her partner in crime, Lilli Mae, are her favorite things to do. 

She lets us know when she is hungry, tired, or needs to go potty with her different barks. We really think she has a different bark for each need. She loves having “bark offs” with us, always getting the last word in. 

Zen is sweet, loving,  and gives the best “farty face” kisses ever.

Cheese and Chicken are her favorite treats. When a bit defiant and doesn’t want to come when called, we simply yell out “chicken” or “cheese” and she comes running. 

When she was five she had a torn ACL that required surgery to repair. She took it like a champ and handled surgery and recovery with such Grace. With each day she still amazes us with her strength and determination.

She brings us so much joy every single day!  We are so lucky she chose us! "

8x8 acrylic on wood 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28, Eli for Jimmy!

Jimmy is my sister's neighbor in her new house in South Minneapolis, not far from us, and Eli is Jimmy's adopted hound, who is rather shy and hard to meet, and Jimmy is just a tremendously wonderful and generous neighbor! He has happily lent Beaner tools and an incredible broom to sweep concrete and I think he's mowed her lawn, and just all these great things, and this is his dog, as a thank you!

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for


Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27, Pearle

 Yes, that is how Suzanne spells it so that's how Pearle's name is spelled!

She looks like a somewhat relaxed and patient nanny to me... though I did just read Peter Pan for the first time, so I may be seeing Nanny, that dog here!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, Hanky Panky!

 This sweet face belongs to Hanky Panky, who was sent to me by Miriam for her friend Carey~

Here's what Miriam wrote about him~

Hope you’re doing well! I’m looking at the sweet portrait you painted of our beloved bird as I write this. And I wanted to introduce you to Hank as a possibility for your 30 dogs in 30 days project—he’s the angel dog that belongs to our friend Carey. Hank (Hanky Panky or le petit cornichon as my daughter calls him when we get to dog sit) has been keeping Carey company as she battles cancer for the past several years. I know how much joy he brings her and how much he inspires her on hard days. He’s also just the cutest ever, avid cuddler, prime nap partner, lover of stuffed ducks twice his size.

How could I not paint this face?!

8x8 acrylic on wood


Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, Matty

 This face was irresistible! And it's my darling brother's birthday today too! And he's always said the best gift anyone can give him is to take something out of his house- his dream is to be able to wander the world with everything he owns in a backpack... I love him!

Here is the amazing Matty's story, from Gennae!

Sir Mutty, the King of XENWOOD Avenue, passed away a few years ago, but not before he
neurotically burrowed his way into the hearts of many. Never has a dog loved to sleep-in more, wrapped in a duvet, taking up 3/4 of the bed with his 8 pound body, than Mutty. He believed himself to be human royalty, and was thusly treated. He excelled at car rides, lap sits, constant eye goobers, and silly antics that made people laugh. He started out black as the night, and quickly morphed into a silver fox. Well, dog...

8x8 acrylic on wood

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24, Mabel!

 Here is Mabel!  Another fluffy puppy!  Isn't she something?

Mabel just turned one recently! And I think in this photo she perhaps had a bit of a messy chin, though I cleaned it up a bit in paint... can you see both her eyes?

It is chilly up here in the north lands today! Got down to 50 degrees last night- lucky I have two pugs and a husband to sleep with for warmth!

I hope you are having a fantastic summer wherever you are!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23 Wallace

 Wallace is Kari's granddog, and she said he gives her this look all the time, especially when he's sitting on her shoes.

I've seen that look before. I'm sure you have too!

And this is the first black lab I've had this year to paint- I love painting black dogs!  Look at all that shine! Isn't he handsome!

8x8 acrylic on wood~

Monday, July 22, 2024

July 22, Cooper

 And this is Cooper!  And it's Monday, and everything feels damp in our cabin right now- though it is cool enough to feel chilly... the humidity seems high!

And I have to admit I'm feeling a bit better about the world at the moment too- thank you Joe!

Here's what Arah wrote about her pup, Cooper!

He is our eight-year-old golden doodle. We adopted him two years ago when his owner, my mother-in-law, Mary, passed away from a esophageal cancer. She was living in Albuquerque, but when she got him, she was in Rochester, MN and we helped raise him from a pup. I even taught him how to go downstairs by crawling down them on my belly. He is a 70 pound sweetheart.

8x8 acrylic on wood
being held~

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21, Penny!

 This is Penny! She is an Aussie-doodle who is the 4th in a family of lovely fluffy dogs, three of whom I've already painted. So Penny is to join the wall of dogs, and here she is!

And here is what Kate wrote about her!

Here's a bit about Penny:

Penny is a miniature aussie-doodle, and is our 3rd dog at home currently, but our 4th doodle. You painted our first beloved, now angel-doodle, in 2010. Penny's portrait will join a wall of portraits of the three paintings that have preceded her. Penny was love at first internet sighting. We were absolutely not in the market for another dog, but I saw her face online when she was about 5 weeks old and something about her spoke to me. Though my husband took his time warming up to her, her silly, loving, smart little personality won him over eventually. She makes us laugh everyday. She keeps up with her big sisters while running around our 15 acres, and truly believes she's a big dog. She shows her love with her tongue, frantically needing to lick us whether we've been gone an hour or a day. And has completed our little fur-family (for now anyway, since I seem to have a bit of a soft-spot for doodles).

I love painting fluff on dogs, it is so erratic and wild, going every which way all over the place, and making sure you've got the right fluff coming out at the right spot... Plus Penny has that wonderful intense gaze, probably because you are eating something she thinks she'd enjoy, and you may as well get it over with and just give her some~

And those little lips too~

Just so much!

15x15 acrylic on wood
being held~

and here's a photo of Penny in Progress!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, Sequoia

Sequoia was an amazing soul whose spririt was as tall as the trees he was named after. He lived in Todmorden, near Halifax in the Calderdale Valley of England, and was a warm and welcoming presence at our friends Alison and Weston's home every time we were there.  Their house is a magical place too, with a swing upstairs and an incredible huge bathroom with high ceilings and a large white and blue porcelain vessel with fish and water plants in it, and beautiful arrangements of artifacts everywhere. They also had a small glassroofed  porch out back with a small garden, and it all felt safe and full and enveloping, with love and humor and acceptance.

I want to go back there soon-

Max, when he was first visiting England at the age of four, kept commenting on how different things were in "our world".  It does seem that way sometimes, though we are all on the same one!

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for~


Friday, July 19, 2024

July 18, Dolly!

 Hello DOLLY!

here's what Claire writes about Dolly!

Long time fan of yours and so excited for another year of 30 Dogs in 30 Days! My family has amassed a collection of your dog portraits over the years including Doogan, Linus, and Cecil Huber - my parents’ and sister’s dogs. I am so happy to submit another Huber dog for your consideration for 30 Dogs in 30 Days: Dolly! Dolly is a little 11-month old mystery mutt rescue from Texas who has absolutely stolen our hearts!

As you can probably tell, I come from a dog loving family, but I waited up until my 30th birthday to get a dog of my own! My partner and I adopted Dolly in March 2024 and have been having so much fun ever since. There are so many things we love about Dolly but a couple traits rise to the top: her expressive ears, the way she greets you at the door by dancing around on her tippy toes, her barrel rolls when she gets excited, and the fact that she chases her tail for fun (I’ve never actually seen a dog do that in real life!). She is very protective of her family, but is in the process of learning how to make friends with other dogs and humans. She has found one good friend in my parents’ dog, Linus, who has the patience of a saint to put up with all of Dolly’s high-energy antics! We are so thrilled that Dolly is the newest four-legged addition to our little family!

Thanks for bringing joy into the world through your art - we love all of your work!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18, Nacho!

 Do you know that joke? 

What do you call someone else's corn chips?

Nacho Chips!

Get it?

Well this is Nacho, and Dana sent her to me- she looks a lot bigger than she is, apparantly, because she looks like a Great Dane mix to me! And Dana says she's pretty darn sweet, having stolen their hearts completely~

I'll ask if she'll let me share a video she sent me!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17, Cricket!

 Good morning!  This is Cricket! She lives in Wisconsin with my friend Rachel, and I love the enthusiasm and that little folded-almost-sticking-out-but-not-quite tongue!

Here's what Rachel said about her!

Cricket is a tiny Boston Terrier. She came to us after having a couple of litters of pups and living with a house full of dogs. Her name fits her as she is often hopping from one place to another, constantly exploring (except when napping) Her tongue is quite remarkable and gave the vet pause with its length. It was clearly meant for a much larger dog but she embraces it and flaunts it. She fits right into our little family and is the sidekick to Phyllis the Frenchie. They are reminiscent of Spike and Chester from cartoon fame!


8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 17, Zeppelin!

 Okay, who wouldn't want to paint a dog with that name?! Let alone with that FACE!

Here's what Kendyl says about her!

That little nugget is named Zeppelin. She’s named after one of my favorite bands and the Zeppelin Blimp because she’s thicker than a snickers. I got her during COVID so I was working home at the same.. which resulted in both of us have major separation anxiety being away from each other so she’s my other half.

I mean, LOOK at that SMILE!
8x8 acrylic on wood

Monday, July 15, 2024

July 15, Alice for JennyLynn

 Alice's owner, JennyLynn, says this about this sweet creature~

This is Little Alice! She is my seventh dog and by far the most loving snuggly, adorable pup out of the bunch. She was found roaming, scared with no identification. I took her in with hopes of finding a loving home for her. After two weeks of hiding in a kennel, she finally came out to greet me. I put her in my lap and massaged her, letting her know she could trust me. Two weeks later, I found her a new home with another Chihuahua. The day she was to leave I just could not let her go. By then she was cuddling with me at night, glued to me like a magnet. I do believe she is an angel. She was and is just what I need. I look into her eyes and can see so much love, more than I have ever seen before. I hope my little girl stays with me for a very long time.🌹 

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14, Momo Honeybuns!

 So yesterday was the St Kate's Art Fair, and it was just a crazy weather day all around! I'm so glad it was a one day show- because we are now up at Camp Mishawaka, and I'm realising how much stuff I forgot to bring along! Dang- I mean, it's not like we're in the middle of nowhere or anything, but this was a very full week, leading up to an intense Art Fair day, where I'm "on" all day long, chatting and smiling, and trying not to look like I'm worried about the torrential downpour or the lightning and thunder, while standing on an incredibly wet rug with muddy- feeted strangers, myself pretty well covered with mud from my knees down.

Really, people were super nice, and in great moods, and actually looking quite fashionable in their rain gear! So many people were surprised by the weather, having heard it was going to be a rainy morning and then would clear up by the afternoon- having heard that myself, and then continually checking my weather app, I kept seeing that it would be stormy at 1, but sunny by 2, and then by 1:50 it changed to stormy at 2, sunny by 3, and this kept up the entire day. Take-down was a bit damp, and the muddy rug is now splopped on our driveway to wait til we get back to clean up, and the tent and my artwork is all carefully sprawled around my studio...

Anyway, I DID get to meet the amazing Delia along with Becker and their delightful owner Alison!  I painted Delia the other day, and have painted many a rescued pup for Alison!

And I also got to meet the ineffable MOMO HONEYBUNS!! Who showed up with her effervescent owner Marti, and I got some sweet photos of Momo but have actually done her painting from the photo that Marti sent me, because I knew I was traveling today and thought I'd work ahead slightly- and NOW I need to repaint Momo, because this just doesn't do her justice!  But I don't have the time today, settling into camp (and finding out more of the things I forgot to pack- toothpaste, raincoat, towels, to name a few) and getting ready for the week ahead-

So here is the Momo I have ready to post today! And there will be another Momo later this week~

8x8 acrylic on wood
may be up for auction! Stay tuned!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13, Audrey

 This is Audrey! Isn't she a stunner? I think it's these straight-in-the-face looks that I love to paint the most, because then the creature is looking right out of the canvas at the viewer and there is a complete connection happening~

I'm still hoping for a story from Cheryl!

And I'll be sitting on the grass at St Kate's today, in St Paul, so if you're out and about and want to check out some absolutely fine art, come on over!

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for!

Friday, July 12, 2024

July 12, Delia the Delight

 Delia is the rescue pup of Alison, and was rescued from an Amish puppy mill... I don't think of Amish as having puppy mills, but I guess there's a lot I don't know!

Alison lost Jax, her heart dog of years, and then found Delia, who happens to hold a heart on her forehead.

Can you see it?

Alison says she is the sweetest dog she's ever had~ she sure looks like it!

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11, Lula!

My friend Maggie rescued Lula in Arizona, and I know she'll have a great story for her!

Lula is a sweet "baby girl" who has become Maggie's companion. In January of this year she was found near the Tucson Mountains with an injured leg that required surgery. Lula's surgery happened in April. She is now using all four legs on daily walks, making new friends and becoming her whole self in the safety of her new home. Cue the song "I'm every woman" with a switch to "I'm every dog," because: Lula has 11 different breeds in her history. She is "every dog" and she is 100% Lula."

I love this face!

10x10 acrylic on wood
spoken for!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 10, Molly the First Dog!

And so we begin!

I have to admit, Molly's eyes were a bit tricky to get the right feel, because they are blue!  I think most dogs I paint have brown eyes, and it seems I have the skill for getting a dark eye to feel light, and that light colored eyes are trickier to get the depth in them~

I painted Amy's amazing cats for this year's "30 Cats in 30 Days" Project, Sunny and Shady, and here's what she said about the incredible Molly!

Molly is a mini Australian shepherd.  My husband wanted a dog and had not had one since he was a boy on the farm 61 years ago!  When, our cats, Sunny & Shady passed on, I told him he could have a dog!  Needless to say, she’s daddy’s girl… smart, loyal, extremely energetic and lovable! 

I think you can see why I had to paint Molly!

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

30 Dogs OFFICIAL LIST for 2024!

St Kate's Art Fair is THIS SATURDAY 10-5!

This is one of my favorite art fairs to attend for many reasons, one being that it is juried and all the artists are ACTUAL working artists who make their stuff and know what they are doing, and some of them are friends of mine which makes it a super fun event!  It is also one of the rare art fairs that is ON GRASS instead of in a parking lot somewhere, and so even tho it may be a warm day, it always feels cooler in the shade on that campus lawn... plus there's ponds right there where you can play with the turtles and ducks, if you are so inclined.

I'm booth number 84 again, and I'll be there all day, and I'll probably be painting a dog for the day if not working on an otter or some other Minnesota mammal!

Speaking of the Dog of the Day! I've got almost all the slots filled for my 30 Dogs Project this year, though of course there is always wiggle room if you want me to paint YOUR dog!  

I'll be painting one dog a day from July 10 to August 8, and then we'll have them all hanging at Diamonds for a month or so, and you can follow along on my instagram (katcorrigan) or my facebook page too, and if you thought your dog was on this list and you don't see it, PLEASE email or call me and tell me!  I make mistakes because I am human!

SO here we go! The Real And True Actual Official List (subject to my swapping things around at my discretion!)~

JULY 10- Molly for Amy D

11- Lula for Maggie J

12- Delia for Alison W

13- Audrey for Cheryl WB

14- Momo Honeybuns for Marti S

15- Alice for Cindy R 

16- Zeppelin for Kendyl B

17- Cricket! For Rachel H

18- Nacho for Dana M

19- Dolly for Claire H

20- Sequoia for Alison D

21- Penny for Kate M

22- Cooper for Arah B

23- Wallace for Kari V

24- Mabel for Carol L

25- Fluffy Pup In Blue Sweater for Gennae

26- Hanky Panky for Carey

27- Pearle for Suzanne H

28- Nala for Nicole A

29 Zen for Sam thru Cindy

30- Miss Francie for Mary Sue H

31- Stella for Carol WN

AUGUST 1- Buddy for Debbie S

2- Flurry for Rita B

3- Andy for Wendy K

4-Gigi for Laurie W


6- Pup for Alaina L

7- Eli for Jimmy

8- Mystery Dog!

And as always, thank you for being a part of my creative community!
If you have any questions, just reply to this email!

Monday, July 8, 2024

July 8, Yes, A Beaver! "Northwoods Builder"

 My son Max took this photo when we bolted through the zoo a few weeks ago- it was rainy and cool and all the animals were out and dancing in the rain and the beavers were more active than I've seen them in a while! 

I loved this photo and did this painting, and those ready-to-go-into-action front paws just tickle me, as does the reflected light on his belly, and the GREENS!  This has been a lovely summer of greens this year!

Oh and I will have him with me at the St Kate's Art Fair THIS SATURDAY!  10-5, in St Paul at the St Kate's Campus in Highland!  Come see my new paintings and new batch of postcards!

10x8 acrylic on wood


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy July 4th! Duckling Rescue #3

 Happy fourth of July to you!  I hope you are enjoying yourself wherever you are- we are kinda loving this rainy day!  I'm not a huge fan of loud fireworks, so I'm appreciating this today, though I am sure our neighbors will be happy to shoot all their unlit fireworks this weekend, when it is't raining!

Though I imagine this little duckling doesn't mind the rain...

6x12 acrylic on wood
tax included!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2, Slender Steps

 Here's another fawn, painted from the photos my sis sent me from her backyard in Duluth... she doesn't live far from Chester Creek and I think the wildlife like her area...

Those angles are such fun to try to get right!  This one is a tall narrow one, I love these unusual sizes!

And I am still looking for dogs, my friends!  Send me your pups! More info HERE!

24x8 acrylic on canvas
tax is included!