Friday, July 19, 2024

July 18, Dolly!

 Hello DOLLY!

here's what Claire writes about Dolly!

Long time fan of yours and so excited for another year of 30 Dogs in 30 Days! My family has amassed a collection of your dog portraits over the years including Doogan, Linus, and Cecil Huber - my parents’ and sister’s dogs. I am so happy to submit another Huber dog for your consideration for 30 Dogs in 30 Days: Dolly! Dolly is a little 11-month old mystery mutt rescue from Texas who has absolutely stolen our hearts!

As you can probably tell, I come from a dog loving family, but I waited up until my 30th birthday to get a dog of my own! My partner and I adopted Dolly in March 2024 and have been having so much fun ever since. There are so many things we love about Dolly but a couple traits rise to the top: her expressive ears, the way she greets you at the door by dancing around on her tippy toes, her barrel rolls when she gets excited, and the fact that she chases her tail for fun (I’ve never actually seen a dog do that in real life!). She is very protective of her family, but is in the process of learning how to make friends with other dogs and humans. She has found one good friend in my parents’ dog, Linus, who has the patience of a saint to put up with all of Dolly’s high-energy antics! We are so thrilled that Dolly is the newest four-legged addition to our little family!

Thanks for bringing joy into the world through your art - we love all of your work!

8x8 acrylic on wood

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