Tuesday, July 9, 2024

30 Dogs OFFICIAL LIST for 2024!

St Kate's Art Fair is THIS SATURDAY 10-5!

This is one of my favorite art fairs to attend for many reasons, one being that it is juried and all the artists are ACTUAL working artists who make their stuff and know what they are doing, and some of them are friends of mine which makes it a super fun event!  It is also one of the rare art fairs that is ON GRASS instead of in a parking lot somewhere, and so even tho it may be a warm day, it always feels cooler in the shade on that campus lawn... plus there's ponds right there where you can play with the turtles and ducks, if you are so inclined.

I'm booth number 84 again, and I'll be there all day, and I'll probably be painting a dog for the day if not working on an otter or some other Minnesota mammal!

Speaking of the Dog of the Day! I've got almost all the slots filled for my 30 Dogs Project this year, though of course there is always wiggle room if you want me to paint YOUR dog!  

I'll be painting one dog a day from July 10 to August 8, and then we'll have them all hanging at Diamonds for a month or so, and you can follow along on my instagram (katcorrigan) or my facebook page too, and if you thought your dog was on this list and you don't see it, PLEASE email or call me and tell me!  I make mistakes because I am human!

SO here we go! The Real And True Actual Official List (subject to my swapping things around at my discretion!)~

JULY 10- Molly for Amy D

11- Lula for Maggie J

12- Delia for Alison W

13- Audrey for Cheryl WB

14- Momo Honeybuns for Marti S

15- Alice for Cindy R 

16- Zeppelin for Kendyl B

17- Cricket! For Rachel H

18- Nacho for Dana M

19- Dolly for Claire H

20- Sequoia for Alison D

21- Penny for Kate M

22- Cooper for Arah B

23- Wallace for Kari V

24- Mabel for Carol L

25- Fluffy Pup In Blue Sweater for Gennae

26- Hanky Panky for Carey

27- Pearle for Suzanne H

28- Nala for Nicole A

29 Zen for Sam thru Cindy

30- Miss Francie for Mary Sue H

31- Stella for Carol WN

AUGUST 1- Buddy for Debbie S

2- Flurry for Rita B

3- Andy for Wendy K

4-Gigi for Laurie W


6- Pup for Alaina L

7- Eli for Jimmy

8- Mystery Dog!

And as always, thank you for being a part of my creative community!
If you have any questions, just reply to this email!

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