Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 10, Molly the First Dog!

And so we begin!

I have to admit, Molly's eyes were a bit tricky to get the right feel, because they are blue!  I think most dogs I paint have brown eyes, and it seems I have the skill for getting a dark eye to feel light, and that light colored eyes are trickier to get the depth in them~

I painted Amy's amazing cats for this year's "30 Cats in 30 Days" Project, Sunny and Shady, and here's what she said about the incredible Molly!

Molly is a mini Australian shepherd.  My husband wanted a dog and had not had one since he was a boy on the farm 61 years ago!  When, our cats, Sunny & Shady passed on, I told him he could have a dog!  Needless to say, she’s daddy’s girl… smart, loyal, extremely energetic and lovable! 

I think you can see why I had to paint Molly!

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for!

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