Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, Hanky Panky!

 This sweet face belongs to Hanky Panky, who was sent to me by Miriam for her friend Carey~

Here's what Miriam wrote about him~

Hope you’re doing well! I’m looking at the sweet portrait you painted of our beloved bird as I write this. And I wanted to introduce you to Hank as a possibility for your 30 dogs in 30 days project—he’s the angel dog that belongs to our friend Carey. Hank (Hanky Panky or le petit cornichon as my daughter calls him when we get to dog sit) has been keeping Carey company as she battles cancer for the past several years. I know how much joy he brings her and how much he inspires her on hard days. He’s also just the cutest ever, avid cuddler, prime nap partner, lover of stuffed ducks twice his size.

How could I not paint this face?!

8x8 acrylic on wood


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