Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, Sequoia

Sequoia was an amazing soul whose spririt was as tall as the trees he was named after. He lived in Todmorden, near Halifax in the Calderdale Valley of England, and was a warm and welcoming presence at our friends Alison and Weston's home every time we were there.  Their house is a magical place too, with a swing upstairs and an incredible huge bathroom with high ceilings and a large white and blue porcelain vessel with fish and water plants in it, and beautiful arrangements of artifacts everywhere. They also had a small glassroofed  porch out back with a small garden, and it all felt safe and full and enveloping, with love and humor and acceptance.

I want to go back there soon-

Max, when he was first visiting England at the age of four, kept commenting on how different things were in "our world".  It does seem that way sometimes, though we are all on the same one!

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for~


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