Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29, Zen for Sam!

 This is Zen!  It's Zen's birthday today!  Happy Birthday Zen!

And here's what Sam's mom wrote about Zen~

"Zen aka OB (over bite), Zennifer, Zennatalia…

Zen is a beautiful 6 years old husky. She is the most chill dog ever. 

Going for boat rides, chasing rabbits, and long walks with her partner in crime, Lilli Mae, are her favorite things to do. 

She lets us know when she is hungry, tired, or needs to go potty with her different barks. We really think she has a different bark for each need. She loves having “bark offs” with us, always getting the last word in. 

Zen is sweet, loving,  and gives the best “farty face” kisses ever.

Cheese and Chicken are her favorite treats. When a bit defiant and doesn’t want to come when called, we simply yell out “chicken” or “cheese” and she comes running. 

When she was five she had a torn ACL that required surgery to repair. She took it like a champ and handled surgery and recovery with such Grace. With each day she still amazes us with her strength and determination.

She brings us so much joy every single day!  We are so lucky she chose us! "

8x8 acrylic on wood 

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