Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21, Penny!

 This is Penny! She is an Aussie-doodle who is the 4th in a family of lovely fluffy dogs, three of whom I've already painted. So Penny is to join the wall of dogs, and here she is!

And here is what Kate wrote about her!

Here's a bit about Penny:

Penny is a miniature aussie-doodle, and is our 3rd dog at home currently, but our 4th doodle. You painted our first beloved, now angel-doodle, in 2010. Penny's portrait will join a wall of portraits of the three paintings that have preceded her. Penny was love at first internet sighting. We were absolutely not in the market for another dog, but I saw her face online when she was about 5 weeks old and something about her spoke to me. Though my husband took his time warming up to her, her silly, loving, smart little personality won him over eventually. She makes us laugh everyday. She keeps up with her big sisters while running around our 15 acres, and truly believes she's a big dog. She shows her love with her tongue, frantically needing to lick us whether we've been gone an hour or a day. And has completed our little fur-family (for now anyway, since I seem to have a bit of a soft-spot for doodles).

I love painting fluff on dogs, it is so erratic and wild, going every which way all over the place, and making sure you've got the right fluff coming out at the right spot... Plus Penny has that wonderful intense gaze, probably because you are eating something she thinks she'd enjoy, and you may as well get it over with and just give her some~

And those little lips too~

Just so much!

15x15 acrylic on wood
being held~

and here's a photo of Penny in Progress!

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