Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, Matty

 This face was irresistible! And it's my darling brother's birthday today too! And he's always said the best gift anyone can give him is to take something out of his house- his dream is to be able to wander the world with everything he owns in a backpack... I love him!

Here is the amazing Matty's story, from Gennae!

Sir Mutty, the King of XENWOOD Avenue, passed away a few years ago, but not before he
neurotically burrowed his way into the hearts of many. Never has a dog loved to sleep-in more, wrapped in a duvet, taking up 3/4 of the bed with his 8 pound body, than Mutty. He believed himself to be human royalty, and was thusly treated. He excelled at car rides, lap sits, constant eye goobers, and silly antics that made people laugh. He started out black as the night, and quickly morphed into a silver fox. Well, dog...

8x8 acrylic on wood

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