Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14, Momo Honeybuns!

 So yesterday was the St Kate's Art Fair, and it was just a crazy weather day all around! I'm so glad it was a one day show- because we are now up at Camp Mishawaka, and I'm realising how much stuff I forgot to bring along! Dang- I mean, it's not like we're in the middle of nowhere or anything, but this was a very full week, leading up to an intense Art Fair day, where I'm "on" all day long, chatting and smiling, and trying not to look like I'm worried about the torrential downpour or the lightning and thunder, while standing on an incredibly wet rug with muddy- feeted strangers, myself pretty well covered with mud from my knees down.

Really, people were super nice, and in great moods, and actually looking quite fashionable in their rain gear! So many people were surprised by the weather, having heard it was going to be a rainy morning and then would clear up by the afternoon- having heard that myself, and then continually checking my weather app, I kept seeing that it would be stormy at 1, but sunny by 2, and then by 1:50 it changed to stormy at 2, sunny by 3, and this kept up the entire day. Take-down was a bit damp, and the muddy rug is now splopped on our driveway to wait til we get back to clean up, and the tent and my artwork is all carefully sprawled around my studio...

Anyway, I DID get to meet the amazing Delia along with Becker and their delightful owner Alison!  I painted Delia the other day, and have painted many a rescued pup for Alison!

And I also got to meet the ineffable MOMO HONEYBUNS!! Who showed up with her effervescent owner Marti, and I got some sweet photos of Momo but have actually done her painting from the photo that Marti sent me, because I knew I was traveling today and thought I'd work ahead slightly- and NOW I need to repaint Momo, because this just doesn't do her justice!  But I don't have the time today, settling into camp (and finding out more of the things I forgot to pack- toothpaste, raincoat, towels, to name a few) and getting ready for the week ahead-

So here is the Momo I have ready to post today! And there will be another Momo later this week~

8x8 acrylic on wood
may be up for auction! Stay tuned!

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