Monday, January 8, 2024

Jan 8th, It's Been A Year...

 Today is the anniversary of our life-changing house fire. Devastating, horrible, shocking as it all has been, difficult and worrisome and all, we are here now. Not quite back IN the house yet, but we are here, at this point in time, and we are doing well. Which is a lot of thanks to YOU all, you know. 

The Rolling Stones were just singing " We All Need Someone To Lean On" which I haven't heard in forever and it struck a chord deep in my heart. We do seriously need one another. Thank you. I don't know where we would be without our generous neighbors and friends who are letting us live in their "spare" house, even though it means they can't begin their own long-awaited rebuild on their home, and we might not be back in our house (and out of theirs!) until February...

I've been struggling with how to honor our loss today... Duane has been cautioning me to not worry about it being a big deal, that just us knowing and taking a walk and talking about it is good. I did pull up some photos last night, and I was struck by how hard the grief can still feel. Fatoosh's green eyes met mine every morning. And Bunny would sit her fat little butt on my back as I lay on the floor to do yoga in the kitchen. Sally and Teddy were always excited at the foot of the stairs to "GO OUTSIDE!" and walk to the lake and back- shaking their shaggy little heads, Sally schnuffliing in the snow....

Oh my heart.

And now we have Pompom... 

Life does go on, my loves~


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