Friday, January 12, 2024

Jan 12, Penny

 This is Penny who happens to be a pug, like our Bunny... but it was okay to paint this one. It is fun how different animals are, even though they might be siblings or very similar littermates. 

I remember having a dream long ago about my beloved long-haired rescue tabby Toby- he was my first pet as an adult and lived with me in a lot of different apartments and houses. He was my sacred familiar and kept me sane and joyful in the stresses of my younger life, and in the dream I was worried that I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a line-up of similar looking cats. 

But I could!

And recently my friend Kat posted a photo of her and "a friend" and I responded how much it looked like our Bunny and how I miss her, and Kat replied that it was a photo from over a year ago, and that yes, it was Bunny~

And this is Penny!

6x6 acrylic on wood

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