Friday, January 5, 2024

Jan 5th, By A Whisker

 And it's the first Friday of the new year! I hope it's a good one for you! Here's another otter painting- this one's nose appears to be comically big, and it's one of those things where it looks that way in the photo and I repainted it a couple times and this is the way it's gonna be!

The new year is a good time for retrospection, isn't it. It's really strange still being in a rental place and not in our home.  All those things I took for granted for twenty years of living in the same place are up in smoke, literally. I don't know where a lot of things are... we didn't get a lot of stuff out, but Duane did salvage some of my journals, which I've been keeping since the 8th grade. A lot of my dependable memory is in those smoke-damaged pages. So my retrospective-ness depends somewhat on what I chose to write down and how honest I am with myself. And this year I'm working to be more honest with myself in terms of what is it I actually need? For example, am I really still hungry or does my mouth just want to keep working? Or is this activity one that supports my goals or no? And how long has it been since I've talked to a good friend? Maybe I need to pick up the phone and arrange a good walk!

And thanks all of you for following! I appreciate any and all comments- thanks for being a part of my world!

12x6 acrylic on wood

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