Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March 29, Frank and Sam, "Sleeper Hold"

This is another one that I just had to paint! And they are asleep!  Isn't this CUTE?!?!

Here's what Mary wrote!

Hello, attached is a picture of my boys, Frank and Sam.  Frank and Sam were found abandoned as newborns, and were bottle fed by a wonderful organization called Bitty Kitty Brigade.  I adopted them in October 2021 and life has not been the same since.  These two schemers have gotten into just about any trouble they possibly could.  We now have toddler locks on our cupboards and drawers, and on doors they managed to open to our attic.  I have no living plants left, and I often hear thumping in our vents which means they are walking around in the ducts, but I love them immensely and think they are the cutest boys ever.  Hopefully you think so, too. In this picture they fell asleep wrestling. 

8x10 acrylic on wood
$300 inc tax, shipping and BOOK


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