Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1, Delilah! Freddy Mercury's Favorite Cat...

And here is cat #1!  Delilah!  She was Freddy's favorite cat, and I like to start my month with a cat that means something to me to kinda get me into gear~  this was from some terrible photos!  But she looks like one of those saucy kitties that know how to get what she wants~  kinda like her owner~ if you are interested, here is a link to a little home video Freddy made himself of his beloved cat.
And here is a link to the song itself~  very corny and sweet, and near the end of his life~

Hopefully, I haven't completely turned you off by my personal revelation of my love of Queen!  Here's Delilah~

8x8 acrylic on wood, available for purchase HERE, for $160~

And here is the official list again!  Wahoo!  And a link to my little site for more info~

March 1- Delilah, for Freddie Mercury
2- Ari, for Robert S
3- Jack, for Joe O
4- June, for Kat & Family
5- Ella, for Tim and Heidi
6- Hank, for Loralee
7- Jelly, for Kris M
8- Simon, for Maggie E (painted at Wet Paint, I hope)
9- John's Cat (for Tom S)
10- Jojo, for Emily J
11- Glow, for Kat L
12- Molly, for Monica C
13- Jasmine, for Darcy
14- Peter, for Tina B
15- Sophie, for Heidi & Tim
16- Maud, for Becky L
17- Mabel, for Emily K
18- Smokey Bones, for Emily GK
19- Ally, for Jim U
20- Mouse, for Susan P
21- Gato, for Anne V
22- Amelie, for David K (painted at Wet Paint, I hope!)
23- Dennis, for Susan G
24- Milo, for Susan G
25- Raspberry, for Lily and Eliz
26- Riley, for Cynthia
27- Tigger, for Maggie E (in NY somewhere)
28- Doyle, for Becky L
29- Meow Parlor Cat, at the Meow Parlor, Manhattan!
30- Mystery Guest
31- Mystery Guest

Subject to being changed at my whim and human necessity!  

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