Friday, July 30, 2021

July 30, Morning Light, July

 Another one from Grand Marais- maybe it's the diagonals? I just love the contrasts of this environment! And being at camp is more of an all-day adventure than I'd quite realized... there isn't as much free time as I'd anticipated, and so painting isn't all that easy... and it is exhausting, quite honestly, so I'm in bed pooped by 9 or 9:30, and then up at 6:30.  And when storms come through (as they have twice this week now) everthing gets disrupted and it's All Hands On Deck to make sure the kids are safe and all stuff is tied up and sea-worthy! And it was really wild to live for three days without power. Really hard to paint in a cabin under cloudy skies. Very little light!

But I am getting the dogs in a line, and will be sending out the Official List tomorrow!  Still have some spaces left!  Wahoo!!!!


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