Friday, July 23, 2021

July 23, Pokegama Sunset

We are here in the woods. The air quality isn't good everywhere in Minnesota right now, but it feels like this much green is filtering the bad air for us.  I'll do some paintings of the green around me too, because I think everyone probably wants some green these days...

And it seems too, that where it is green, the rain goes. Like a little atmospheric thing of like attracting like, you know? Which is why I really think EVERYONE should plan another tree in their yards!  EVERYONE.  And if you have room, plant two! Or be like our friend Andy in Grand Marais who is planing his entire front yard in various pine trees. He doesn't need a front yard, he says, and they provide so much for wildlife as well as a screen for him and wind protection. We need trees.

Even lakes need trees. 

6x12 acrylic on wood

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