Thursday, March 7, 2019

3/7 Leo

Another slight schedule change~  I didn't yet have the photo for the kitty scheduled for today, so instead I am pulling a kitty that was submitted but that hadn't made the list!  So you never know what will happen in this world of Kat!  I have updated the list on the first post too, here, in case you are confused about where we are... if you cat is affected by changes, I've attempted to contact you so you'll know~
At any rate, you can probably see why I chose this one, though now I'm seeing a trend in fluffy, beige cats...  hmmm....
And Leo's owner has this to say~

"We got him from the AHS 4 years ago when he was about a year old. He is an American longhair with most of the characteristics of a main coon. He is tall and lean. He loves company, is very playful, but not a lapcat. He is my favorite cat of all because he, unlike my other cat, uses the scratching posts that I have strategically placed in my house instead of the furniture."

6x6 acrylic on wood

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