Thursday, April 4, 2024

April 4, Sherlock for Bill!

Sorry this is SOOOO late!!!  I did get it started this morning, but I've been at an art teacher convention all day! I'm sure that puts a great image in your mind, doesn't it? The downtown Minneapolis Convention Center full of art teachers!  It was SUPER fun!  The main speaker this morning was Cartoonist/Writer/Teacher Lynda Barry who was just fantastic!!! SO good!  And I learned SO much and got to talk to all kinds of creative people, and THEN this evening I went to our local library, the Roosevelt Library to see local writer Lorna Landvik speak!!!!  She was SO GREAT!!!

And now I'm posting sweet Sherlock here, who Bill said lived to be nearly twenty, I think... and had some medical issues at the end that made it difficult to leave poor Sherlock alone for very long, which meant he and his wife haven't really had a vacation for a while. Such dedicated pet owners. What a face~

6x6 acrylic on wood
spoken for

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