Sunday, December 3, 2023

Dec 3, Luna, A Commission!

 And this is Luna! Another commission- and Bec ordered it so she knows its there so I'm not ruining anyone's holiday surprise~ that's the tricky part about painting people's pets and wanting to share them with you all- I don't want to wreck someone's Christmas!

I am SO grateful for the amazing Artist Circle that run the Art at Hidden River show because it was just a fantastic event yesterday!  I count myself incredible lucky to be able to stand with my art all day and meet people and see them SEE my paintings with new eyes~ honestly, it is a gift to any artist to hear what you see when you look at their work. I had such a great day talking to people about my paintings and hearing their thoughts!  I've ordered more postcards too, because SO many went away this weekend! And all the business cards I brought along were taken as well!  I thought I had more than enough! That's the other thing I'm so fortunate about- because a lot of my work ends up being commissions, I don't have the pressure at a show of needing to SELL SELL SELL- the work tends to sell itself. And I LOVE painting it! So it's a total Win Win!

And another little aside-  I'll be updating my Pet Portrait Price List in January because I haven't changed it since 2021- or actually 2020 because of COVID, but prices of everything have gone up and it's time~ my point being if you'd like to get a portrait done for these prices, get on my list now!  I still have space to get commissions completed before Dec 25 if you'd interested!


8x8 acrylic on panel

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