Monday, January 31, 2022

Jan 31, A Commission...

Yes, I am trying to paint everyday, but as I'm sure you all know all too well, sometimes life gets in the way.  I did get some nice sketches done of my teacup, and I did also through a lovely bowl this afternoon during my after school clay class. Impressed my kids AND myself, I did! Now I just have to learn how to finish the bottoms...

And yes, I am SO lucky to have other people's pets to paint because THEY keep me painting!  I  have a pretty strong work ethic, so sometimes it's hard to do something "Fun", but if it is "Work" related, well hey!  Then I have a reason to do it! All the better if it IS actually "Fun"!

This is Lily, and she bears a very similar look to our beloved teen-year dog, Rusti... aren't her eyes amazing?

10x10 acrylic on wood


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