Saturday, May 22, 2021

May 22, Hebden Beck

I painted this for a demo in class this morning, letting my students choose which photo they most wanted to see me paint. We were looking for something with a lot of green, and as I painted this, I don't know that there's as much green as I thought... and I was wanting to paint some water since that's what I'm obsessed with at the moment.  This is a photo from 2017 in England, visiting friends for puppet stuff, from a walk along the little river in Hebden Bridge near where the workshops for the Hebden Handmade Parade were being held, and I've always wanted to paint it!  So YAY!

I do think it feels "right" for my memories of the day and the place.  That's the fun part about painting- you're trying to suggest an emotion or memory, I think, rather than an actual depiction of the photo.

I like it!

6x12 acrylic on wood

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