Sunday, November 1, 2020

Nov 1, Homevember for Debra

So today is the start of November, and also of my HOMEvember project for 2020. I'm needing a space for my head and painting is that for me, and I also love the idea of raising money for a good cause, so all these house paintings are raising money for Simpson Housing Services here in Minneapolis.  There are a lot of people needing some help these days, and Simpsons does really good stuff.

SO this is the first house!  It is a surprise, I think, for Deb's son, and I'm hoping to keep it that way! I hadn't actually planned a show of these paintings for later this month, so I suppose I can send them to the new owners right away too!  Hmmm!

Yes, I feel a little less organized with this project this year than in previous years~ but ah well!  We are all doing our best these days, aren't we?  And it may not be the best we were able to do a year ago, but we're still doing it!

Be good to yourself!

6x9 acrylic on wood

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