Thursday, October 29, 2020

Bean Hangs Out

You can't have just one Axolotl, I imagine. They seem such cheerful little fellows that it would be sad to make one live alone~ I'll have to ask Rachel more about how well they get along!  And painting these two is making me think about getting a couple for my classroom, once we're all back in school... maybe I should ask for them for Christmas!

Oh and I just did a google search, and no you shouldn't have two unless they are older because they can be cannibalistic towards younger axolotls. And you shouldn't handle them because that could damage their skin, but dang!  They are seriously cuter than a wombat!  And that's saying a lot!

This is Bean!

I loved playing with that nearly transparent skin... ain't she CUTE?!

6x6 acrylic on wood
Unless you are Rachel!  Then just text me!

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