Saturday, June 20, 2020

6/20 Oh THAT Apple...

I am suddenly very well aware of the fact that we are NOT up in Grand Marais, celebrating the Summer Solstice... with lots of people we love and usually a few people we didn't know who are quickly amongst our favorites ever... sleeping in our 1991 pop-up camper in the Municipal Campground, skipping rocks and watching waves...
Here's a link to past Solstice Pageants because I can't STAND that we aren't there and you may not know what I'm talking about!

We've been in all the last four shows, and LOVED it!!!
And I'm compelled to tell you I'm listening/wathcing "To Be or Not To BE" which Betsy Bowen starts out narrating, and calling out to people to take care of bees, but also a call to keep Philando Castille in our thoughts and prayers....

And so, here is an apple, who wants to perform, but isn't quite sure what its role should be....
6x8 acrylic on canvas
no Shipping!

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