Monday, April 7, 2014

Commission of Bina and Honey!

I thought I'd let you see a bit of the OTHER stuff I do!  Here is a commission I recently completed and delivered with Max's help this past weekend.  It is such a pleasure to meet my patrons and subjects (I sound like a queen saying that, don't I? hmmmm) and this was a great adventure!  I hadn't intended to bring Max along but he begged to join me, and Bina and Honey's owner was gracious and gentle and helped Max pet both lovely dogs, and we hung the painting and I think all of us were very pleased.
As Max and I were leaving and walking down the driveway to the car, he said he had such a great time, he wants to create another piece of art for the owners and come back to hang it himself!  You never know-  maybe he will!

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