Thursday, October 14, 2021

October 13, Lighten Up!

I had an absolutely delightful Live Painting Demo at the White Bear Center for the Arts last night!  It's been a terribly long week after a long weekend, and I was a bit concerned about the rush hour drive and heading home in the dark, but I was thankfully not at all worried about the painting part of the demo!  And it was a total hoot!

I think I've realized a while ago, that if I know I'm good at something then I should just push that a bit and relax into it- like I know I love to paint so I can feel pretty comfortable standing up in front of people doing it. I also know I like to talk to people and have them talk to me while I'm painting, so if I can meet them ahead of time and make us all more comfortable, it will be even better. And so I got there early and was able to meet Rhana (I think- actually, I think that's wrong-  I wish I'd written her name down!  I remember best when I write it out- I know there was an R and some As....) who was setting me up with an iPad to show on the big screen behind me so the viewers could see exactly what I was doing- and that made me feel more relaxed because there was someone helping, and then people started coming in and they had name tags on because they had to register (I LOVE name tags!!!!!) and so I was able to introduce myself and call on them by name, which was just FUN!  And so we were waiting a minute at 6 for everyone to show up and I pulled out my silly tiny joke book that I got at St Mark's Scholastic Book Sale back in 1997 or something like that and told dad jokes til we were all laughing,  and then I went ahead and started.

I had wanted to paint a 16x20 but the iPad would't show that big a piece, and I wasn't sure I could get through one in an hour, so I went with this one of one of Gina's deer that I had already painted once smaller (in a 6x12 that sold FAST after posting!) and that helped- dang, and everyone was just so delightfully chatty, especially the twins, Noelle and Nanette (I think) and when I invited them to scoooch up closer to see better, they were all happy to! The only thing that could have made it any better would have been a glass or two on wine...

Anyway, this is an awfully long post- Here's the painting and I'll continue tomorrow!

8x16 acrylic on wood

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