Wednesday, June 16, 2021

June 16th, Black Bear Strut

 I painted this the other day as a demo for a private lesson for a young student who wanted to learn to paint a black dog~ and I think it worked!  Black animals have so many more colors in them than it seems. They are so so fun to paint!

And I've been a bit busy too, setting up a website for our new gallery space in Rosemount, my home town,  and planning the opening party for July 9th to which you are invited of course! It's called Corrigan Eclectic and is in my dad's old shop, Corrigan Electric Co! I'm so excited!  You can check out the website and give me tips on what I need to fix-  there's a LOT!

Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with this one!

8x8 acrylic on wood

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