Saturday, August 22, 2020

8/22 Keller Lake Plein Air Expedition

Yesterday I met with a wonderful pair of women who requested a Plein Air Painting lesson. I wanted us to be in a park that had some kind of water interest, and I'd been looking at nearby parks with lakes and found Keller park in Maplewood, just south of Highway 36 on Highway 61, and it was perfect!  The lake is a lovely long one, and we were able to park ourselves just under the cottonwood trees on the small island and paint the view across the lake. Lots of lilypads and reeds, and even a few flowers. I highly recommend it!

We spent a couple hours there, and though I tried to limit my talking to allow for more painting time, I still yapped for about 45 minutes!  I'm hoping I was able to impart some knowledge and ideas to my companions.

This is the larger painting I began as a demo. I did add a bit more refinement at home. Often, a painting done outside will need a bit of touching up once back inside. Light can vary and some spots may need to be brightened up, and other small details that weren't obviously lacking outside may pop up once under a roof.

12x16 acrylic on wood

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