Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11/5 Tiny Bear

I'm kinda loving these...
Gotta get more wooden plaques~
It's a little more fun changing up the dimensions of paintings-  going from 5 feet by 4 feet to 3.5 inches by 5 inches can be a great brain exercise!
And I don't know about your family, but mine is having a bit of a time with Daylight Savings again... I'm pooped by 8, and can't sleep past 4:30 am.... and my son and husband have a tough time getting up before 7:30am, which is when I leave.  Max has asked me to set his alarm clock so he can get up at 6:30, and I keep going up to wake him, but he still can't get himself out of bed- "coooold" he mutters as he digs deeper into his quilt~
So a bear for today!

3.5x5 acrylic on wood

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