Friday, October 25, 2019

10/25 "Got Nuts?"

I'm loving the subtle shifts in value and grey on these paintings. Just when I'm talking with my adult Paint Love class about grey too!  So timely!  And those tiny delicate feet and hands... but beyond all that is the gaze. This guy is really looking at us. He wants something from us. Connection? Affection? Entertainment?

I think this is my favorite squirrel so far...

The titles are fun for these! Really, there could be any number of possibilities for a title...  maybe we'll have a little contest, shall we?
I think on Monday, I'll post a painting and we'll give us three days to come up with a great title- you can submit as many as you want, and then we'll vote on the winning title, and the winner gets the painting! How's that?
I like this idea!
6x6 acrylic on wood
click to nab this nugget!

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