Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19, Another Commission

 This is a lovely wolf-dog rescue named Leeloo, whose owners met me at the Art-A-Whirl crawl in Northrup King earlier this year- I was so honored to be asked to paint this creature, whose humans were so clearly in love with her. 

That is the part of painting commissions that I am constantly awed by... I'm not sure that's grammatically correct, but that's how you can tell I wrote it myself... no AI used here, just heart! What I mean is that there is a grace in being invited into that love between owner and pet, I get to be a part of that love, even just on the barest edge of it, and it touches me so deeply. I feel like I can't quite say it right without sounding corny.

Being human is hard enough. Having animals helps us be better humans. My best job is to somehow illuminate and honor that love through my art. And sometimes I don't quite get it right! I appreciate it when a pet owner lets me know something is a little "off" in a portrait, and I know that can be hard, especially in Minnesota with our kindness to one another, but I do want you to have a painting that you will hang in your house and will love to look at for years to come. If something is wrong or just a bit strange, always let me (or any artist!) know so we can adjust it for you. I think anyone else would agree- the best advertising is when someone loves your work and tells others about it.

Whew! That was a lot!


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