Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 6, Dog # 28 is Choo Choo!

 Isn't this the greatest face? We had a beautiful brindled mutt when I was growing up, Rusty, whom my brother affectionately renamed The Beast, and he had a noble face as well. Something about that texture and the shape of the nose maybe, the eyebrows, the strong neck leading into the shoulders...

This is Choo Choo, and Mary is sending me a little story about him yet!

This had been a great session of painting for me, and now that I'm almost done, I'm finding myself looking around for more pups!  I do have two I'll be squeezing in at the end here, maybe instead of Pompom because I haven't found the iconic Pompom painting yet...

We are still up in Grand Rapids at Camp Mishawaka, and maybe I'll write another little post about the cabin and painting in it, because it's pretty sweet... though we miss Bunny in it terribly.

8x8 acrylic on wood

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