Sunday, November 13, 2016

Nov 13, Irish Mountains

In 2013, I was lucky enough to get to go to Ireland with my mom and dad, and we met my sisters, Beaner and Kelli, in Dublin, and spent a week traveling and taking photos and dad was so incredibly happy and excited and he was our even keel, keeping everyone happy and talking to anyone he met.  A year ago today, he left us, incredibly fast and with no warning.  It's taken a long time to get to this point, where I am not weeping constantly at the huge hole he left behind.  Though of course, sometimes his absence screams louder than I can handle, but I've learned that if I let myself experience it and let the tears come, it will stop soon.  I've held myself back at times, afraid that if I let myself sit with it, it won't cease.  I've learned it's better to let it be, let it flow through me, and then later I can smile again.
I painted this today, thinking of those Irish eyes~

8x8 acrylic on wood, $130 click here to purchase~

Kelli, Dad, Beaner, Mom, and me, at the Ring 

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