Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19th, One Stroke Apple

The title of this refers to the lesson I used it to demo for, as in One Brush Stroke Per Color, or you could also say One Color Per Brush Stroke, which can be really difficult to do if you are also talking to a group of people at the same time.  It IS a super fun task however, and really does make you pay more attention to what you are doing which I think is always a good thing!  What you do is you sketch your apple first with a viewfinder, placing all the darks and lights, and then you start to paint.  As you paint, you mix a color and carefully place it using ONE STROKE.  Then you have to mix another color (it can be really close to the first color of course!) for the next stroke!  Makes you really look at what you are doing.  I use this sometimes if I am getting bogged down in a work~  it is one of those good habits!

6x6 acrylic on hardboard panel, bids start at $25!  click HERE to bid!

And I forgot to mention in my most recent newsletter blast about Painting Lessons that I will be teaching at the Art Colony in Grand Marais the week of Aug 10 to the 14!  Come on up and join me!  I am super excited about this!  My plan is to have this be a bit more advanced acrylic class, where we'll try a few trickier things...  so be prepared to work a bit!  Yay!

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