Wow- it is amazing the profound thoughts that go through your mind when you've gone without sleep for a really long time... such thoughts as "would I really mind if the plane crashed because I would be too tired to notice?" and "time is such a nebulous element, especially as expressed on airport departure times in Atlanta..."
So we left Key West on Friday afternoon, and by saying "left" I mean we got a taxi to the airport. We then ended up sitting there (and I'll say the two rum-lemonades I was given helped my attitude a LOT) until after the airport closed (at 7pm, which would be early to most people but it IS Key West, the Conch Republic, and they do get to do things a bit differently there...) because our connecting flight was in Atlanta and there was a terrible storm moving through there. We finally departed around 8pm, lovely view of the clouds and the ocean, landed in Atlanta around 9:30, 10pm, and were on the plane til close to 11, blah blah blah you know how the story goes- ended up running around to two different gates, trying to establish which would be closest to Minneapolis, watched the departure time continue to play games by changing every twenty minutes until 3am or thereabouts... I've lost track.
ANYWAY I didn't actually bring my paints with me to Key West, and I think I should have, but oh well- so here is the first painting I've finished now that I am home! Whew~ dolphins, octopus, iguanas, and parrot fish should be making appearances this week... then back to normal! I have a lovely pile of commissions to take care of as well, which will happen once I recover from getting home at 5:30 this morning...
More news later! Some great stuff happening! My brain is just not working well yet!
Key West Palms!