Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 14, Darks and Lights

 It's been six months since the fire, and I'm feeling anxious. When something is supposed to be temporary, an interuption, it feels unsettling when it continues for so long. And there's the knowledge that our house won't be Our House The Way It Was ever again....

I'm also finding myself really missing Bunny. When you love someone like that, when she's a part of your daily routine, there's a relly big hole. Part of me is also afraid of forgetting what it was like to love her. Ack.

Enough of that for now. I'll post something more later- we still haven't sprinkled their ashes or held a memorial service for all our pets.

This is a pallet knife painting from up at Bearskin.  I enjoyed playing with the knife like this- it's like the One-Stroke-Per-Color paintings sorta, because you don't have that much control so they end up being really loose. Which I like!

12x6 acrylic on wood

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