Monday, December 27, 2021

Dec 27 I OTTER paint more...

We've been a bit nuts around here- and now it isn't any different. You know how you think things will slow down at some point and you can catch up with stuff, clean those drawers out, sort that closet, go through those old photos...? 

Yeah. That's gonna happen~

Technically I'm on winter break, but it isn't feeling a lot like a break.

One kinda okay thing is that my big Otter Show at the Convergence Gallery in Bloomington had been postponed to January 2022. Whew!  I'd meant to spend my break painting otters, bigger ones and more of them, for this event. And I've not had as much time as I'd expected.

SO here is a smaller 6x12 painting- I'm pretty happy with it!  And you can buy it now, if you like!

6x12 acrylic on wood


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