Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Sept 13, Blue for Shelly!

 So I had actually painted this one during the summer, and didn't mind him/her hanging on our wall for a while, so I only recently contacted my friend Shelly Thrall to let her know I had completed it.  And we're gonna do a trade because Shelly makes beautiful jewelry! 

I have to admit there are some photos I just have to paint. Especially of dogs- there's a couple I've come across on friend's feeds on social media lately, and I want to paint their pups so bad.  I'm thinking I need to add onto my series from 2010 that I titled "My AutobiDOGraphy"... I actually copywrighted (copywrote?) that title so I own it because I think it is really clever. And I'm thinking I need to get that book together and publish it too. Originally, the idea was that I did paintings of dogs from my past, and I included the stories of how much they meant to me and when in my life I loved them. Because I would not be the person I am today without all the dogs who loved me.

I imagine you know what I mean.

More on this later...

8x10 acrylic on wood

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