Monday, December 27, 2021

Dec 27 I OTTER paint more...

We've been a bit nuts around here- and now it isn't any different. You know how you think things will slow down at some point and you can catch up with stuff, clean those drawers out, sort that closet, go through those old photos...? 

Yeah. That's gonna happen~

Technically I'm on winter break, but it isn't feeling a lot like a break.

One kinda okay thing is that my big Otter Show at the Convergence Gallery in Bloomington had been postponed to January 2022. Whew!  I'd meant to spend my break painting otters, bigger ones and more of them, for this event. And I've not had as much time as I'd expected.

SO here is a smaller 6x12 painting- I'm pretty happy with it!  And you can buy it now, if you like!

6x12 acrylic on wood


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Dec 15, Yup! Another Pup!

 So I'm a little tired today, because there was a storm happening last night, with a tornado watch until 11, so we sat up playing games and reading and finally went to bed just after 11. Wednesday is device-free day in our house, though that doesn't always stick all the way through. We did all play a game of Chinese checkers, which really needs to be renamed, and is also a pretty darn fun game of strategy and planning and has no killing or shooting or blood involved! Just marbles migrating across a board.

I've got a few commissions left that I am finishing up through the next few days, and I've also got a couple classes that I just scheduled, one for next Wed, 10-12:30, though maybe I'm too late announcing this one because no one has signed up yet- which is fine!  I can let it go!

We are also have a Studio Sale this weekend at the Ivy, in Studio #210! You'll want to come around the side of the building to the door next to the garage door facing the Greenway and the RR tracks on 27th Street! We're open from noon to 5!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dec 9, Another Commission!

 How lucky am I to be painting these amazing creatures for the people who love them?! Thank you everyone who has asked me to be a part of your gifts this season!

8x8 acrylic on wood

Monday, December 6, 2021

Dec 6, A Commission!

Hmmm, it is tricky to post commissions right now-  I'm thinking I'm not blowing a surprise here!  I'm not sure my blog is that widely followed... or my Facebook page either!  I do love the eyes and eyebrows on Manni here!

Oh, and I also have to sadly announce that we are cancelling our Dec 11th Corrigan Eclectic Art Market due to a family health issue~

Pass that word around!  And I can possibly squeeze in one or two more commissions!  Or you can gift a gift certificate and I can get it done AFTER Christmas!  Wahoooo!

8x8 acrylic on wood


Friday, December 3, 2021

Dec 3, Otter Dinner

 I couldn't think of a clever title for this one-  let me know if you come up with a better one!  We had a great time at the Minnesota Zoo the day before Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving eve?) with our little tribe of 12 year olds, and I love the otters, sea and river versions!  It's the water reflections I love the most...

This one will be with me tomorrow at Art At Ramsey!  Come see it and me!!! 1700 Summit Ave from 10-5!

16x8 acrylic on wood