Thursday, August 5, 2021

August 5, Binga

 This is Binga. I believe this is a gift for a friend from a friend, which is always a lovely thing. And I worked really hard on Binga's eyes, because the one on the left just wasn't matching up with the one on the right, and it took some finagling and playing and redrawing to get it to sit right. I think it was John Singer Sargent who said you paint the head around the eye, and then the eye just goes right in there.  Like anatomically correct, kinda. At least that's how I understood what he was saying, and I think it is true that it really helps to have a basic understanding of the underlying physical structure of whatever creature it is you are choosing to paint.

At any rate, I do love painting black dogs!

12x12 acrylic on panel
spoken for!

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