Friday, February 22, 2019

2/22 Best Foot Forward

Another lovely wolf!
I am loving those feet- those paws- shaped like trapezoids, and the angles and bumps on those long, long legs...  it would be fun to try an abstraction of this too~

I am realizing how being a creative person often means being your own curator, photographer, writer, advertiser, cataloguer, hawker, and all that... and I'm also realizing I may be needing some help with some of it. Not that I don't have helpful people and friends, and all that, but I think I may be in the market for a Virtual Assistant...

I'm starting my Pilot On-line Painting Class tomorrow, to see how that goes, and I've been having a great time learning something new.  I highly recommend it!
5x7 acrylic on canvas
click here to purchase~

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