Wednesday, February 13, 2019

2/14 Otter Up

I'm working towards some more rectangular panels... which means I'm talking Duane into cutting some for me~  I do love painting on squares, but those do seem best for portraits, and there's not a lot of drama you can fit into a square.  Something a little longer seems more able to suggest movement.  And this is an otter, who was standing on his haunches fiercely listening to something above his enclosure.  I don't know what it was that had his attention, but he was so focussed it was amazing!

I need a bit of that sometimes.  Focus, I mean.  Often, I sit down at my laptop to work and I can't remember what it was I was going to do.  I've taken to putting post-its onto the keyboard so I can make notes of what it was that I intended to work on.  Otherwise, I find myself floating around the net, shopping or art-searching, or cabin-drooling....

Which reminds me!  I just locked in camping at the Grand Marais Municipal Campground for the Summer Solstice Pageant, which is June 22 this year, and for the weekend of the 4th of July, because I'll be teaching a class at the Art Colony THAT weekend!  ACK!  I don't know HOW that's gonna go, because I don't know where people are going to stay if I had such a hard time finding a spot!  But if you're interested, I'll be posting that on my website soon!  Along with other closer classes and my on-line class too!


6x9 acrylic on wood
click here to own this fella!

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