Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4th!

As my friend Amy said to me today, "Happy Star Wars Day!  May the 4th be with you!"  Ha ha ha haaaa!

River Road, April Snow

38th Street, April Snow
I had a busy weekend, with a WONDERFUL opening at Diamond's Friday eve, thank you everyone who made it!  And a Craftastic Saturday where I painted three new paintings and sold some cards~  here are the new pieces, which are now actually hanging at Pizza Biga at the Turtle Bread on 48th and Chicago!  Duane and Max and I went there last night for delicious pizza, and as Max was flipping out and we needed to leave, two women came in and started going on about the new art!  I couldn't help saying, "Hi, I am the artist" since I was right there and they were going on and on, and then they continued to tell me how much they love my work!  Yay!  Thankfully, Duane took Max under his wing and I was able to chat a bit and pass out cards.  It felt a bit odd, but very fulfilling.  You know how it is with us Minnesotans, it's hard to take a compliment anyway, but to actually announce that they could direct their comments straight at me took a bit of guts, I gotta admit....

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