Wednesday, September 2, 2020

9/2 Moir Park The Other Week


I got home today, a little early, and had to take a nap.

Being with kids in a regular time (not that there's any such thing, but pre-Covid anyway) is usually pretty tiring, but the mental strain combines with that physical thing and wow. I'm still pooped.  

Every fall when I go back into my classroom, I deal with a week or so of a dry cough and a tickle in my throat because of suddenly talking all day when I haven't been doing that all summer. Giving directions and bantering and lecturing about art all day can suck your glands dry, I'm telling ya!  So then, combine that with having to talk even louder through three layers of a mask, plus breathing back through that same mask again, and it dries you out even more. I've had at least a quart of water since I got home.

And I touched up this one a bit more... I'm happier with the water now and the greens in the distance feel properly distancy....  it's from last Friday at Max's last day at Adventures in Cardboard for the week!

6x12 acrylic on wood

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